- Firm name
- Amanohashidate Sogo Jigyo CO., LTD
- Address
- 〒626-0001 Kyoto-fu Miyazu-shi Monju 437(How to access)
TEL : (main)0772-22-1000, (general affairs division)0772-22-5304
FAX: 0772-22-5305
- Company
Executive - CEO Taichi Yamazaki
- Founded
- Apr. 8th, 1969
- Registrations
Licenses - [Permission of building the national park special area structure]
Oct. 27th, 1969 Kyoto directory 4th No. 4-59[Osaka District Land Transport Bureau Business License]
Nov. 14th, 1969 Osaka District Land Transport Bureau No.1514[Osaka District Land Transport Bureauconstructing permission]
Mar. 31st, 1970 Osaka District Land Transport Bureau No. 1183
- Line
business - Amanohashidate View Land (viewing street and amusement park)
- Capital fund
- 75,000,000 yen